Douglas Miller dental practice
Hygienist Treatments
Hygienist treatment
The majority of tooth decay and many other dental problems can be avoided by following basic tooth hygiene and making sure that you attend regular check-ups.
Our experienced Hygienists will not only provide you with the highest quality of treatment, scaling and polishing your teeth, but will also help you to maintain your teeth and gums in good condition to reduce the likelihood of additional dental treatment, and advising you on diet, dental aftercare and even on the correct toothbrush and paste for you.
H30, H45 and H60
At Douglas Miller Dental Practice we offer a scale and polish treatment which is a quick cleaning of the teeth carried out by a Hygienist. Usually using something called an Ultrasonic, the Hygienist will clean around the gum line on the back and front of your teeth to remove any plaque and tartar. This treatment can last 30,45 or 60 minutes depending on your requirements.
Root Planing and 2P2 Programme
Some patients require more than routine preventative tooth and gum cleaning. Deep cleanings, can help alleviate many dental health problems by removing soft or hardened plaque from under the gum line, facilitating the healing of gums, and preventing tooth and bone loss and the spread of gum disease. The treatment typically requires 45 or 60 minute appointments per quadrant (quarter of your mouth) and all steps will be taken to ensure comfort during the entire procedure. If broken up into multiple separate appointments, the hygienist will prescribe a medicated mouthrinse that is proven to improve healing to your tissues between your appointments.
2c Avenue Road, London
N12 8PY